If a gymnast was on the list (enrolled) before, do they stay on the list for future sessions even if they skip a session?
Emails go out to current enrollees and people who have requested to be on our email list. Most people watch for info on our FB page
Is the cost for one day’s class or the whole session?
The entire session. We do not do drop in classes or single sessions.
What should my child wear?
Gymnasts should wear a leotard or a t-shirt (form fitting) with leggings, sweatpants, or gym shorts. Torsos should be completely covered and no jeans, skirts, dresses, shirts with hoods, zippers, buttons, or snaps should be worn in class. Jewelry or hats are not permitted. Hair must be pulled back from the face and secured in a ponytail/braid/bun. Gymnasts should be bare footed for their socks or tights.
Why isn’t my child moving up classes faster?
Gymnasts have a skills checklist that allows them along with their instructor to track their progress in each level. Once each skill is shown to be consistently performed proficiently, your gymnast will be informed they are ready to move up to the next level. Foundations are important and without establishing a strong foundation, your gymnast will not be able to exceed in the higher levels. Remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination!
If I have a question for my gymnast’s instructor/coach how can I get in touch with them?
Email and your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person.